Bylaw Vote Results

Results of the vote on Bylaw changes are listed below.  Please note that there will be a delay in posting the amended Bylaws to the website.  Bylaws must be filed with the Corporate Registry prior to becoming official.  Prior to filing any Bylaws at this time, the BCVTA must transition as a Society to be compliant with the new Societies Act.  This process has begun; once the transition is complete, the new Bylaws can be filed, and they will then be changed on the website.

Article I Section 1 Subsection A: Pass (97%)

Article I Section 1 Subsection B: Pass (86%)

Article I Section 1 Subsection C: Pass (86%)

Article I Section 4 Subsection D: Pass (95%)

Article I Section 5 Subsection A: Pass (95%)

Article I Section 8: Pass (100%)

Article I Section 11: Pass (99%)

Article IV Section 1: Pass (97%)

Article IV Section 2: Pass (100%)

Article V Section 3: Pass (99%)

Article IX Section 4: Pass (99%)