The VTNE is owned and administered by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards.
Most state and provincial agencies use the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE®) to evaluate the competency of entry-level veterinary technicians and require a passing score for a veterinary technician to be credentialed. The VTNE is administered during three exam windows each year. The exam is computer-based and is given at official testing centres throughout the U.S. and Canada or can be Live Remote Proctored.
The VTNE is required of all individuals that wish to:
- become a member of the BCVTA and obtain Registered Veterinary Technologist (RVT) status in BC
- qualify for reciprocity with other North American AHT/VT associations
Review Questions and Answers for Veterinary Technicians, 6th Edition, Prendergast. ISBN #978-0-323-31695-8.
Tara Geiger, RVT
c/o Thompson Rivers University Veterinary Technology Program
805 TRU Way
Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8
Phone: (250) 377-6079
email: tgeiger@tru.ca